Passive Cellphone Interception system can operates on cellular frequency bands worldwide and deciphers in real-time.
Our Cellular Interception Solutions help law enforcement authorities to acquire, intercept, analyze and manage cellular communications such as voice, SMS, and Call Related Information (CRI) data. This becomes vital as terrorists and criminal elements rely upon cellular mobile communications to carry out their nefarious operations.
The system can operate on all cellular frequency bands of 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G and can decipher A5/0, A5/2, and A5/1 encryption standards in real-time.
Stratign’s Passive Cellular Interception Solution is the most advanced ‘Off-The-Air’ interception and monitoring solution that currently exists worldwide. The system does not transmit any information and hence is completely undetectable either by the operator or by the target that is being intercepted.
Stratign’s Passive Cellular Interception Solution is the most advanced ‘Off-The-Air’ interception and monitoring solution that currently exists worldwide. The system does not transmit any information and hence is completely undetectable either by the operator or by the target that is being intercepted.

System Features
100% Passive System
Presence of the system cannot be detected by anyone.
Capable of monitoring 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G networks.
Voice and SMS Communications
Capable of intercepting duplex voice and SMS communications.
Configurable Number of Channels
Online monitoring up to 32 duplex channels (scalable as per customer request).
Target Selection
Selection of the targets by different parameters such as IMEI, IMSI, TMSI, target distance from the base station, type of target handset, target's dialled & received number (PLMN).
Network Scanning
Automatic scanning of GSM network parameters in the controlled area (service provider,
broadcast channel no., LAC, cell IDs and signal levels).
Voice Codecs
The system supports FR, EFR, HR and AMR voice codecs.
Real-time Decryption
Real-time passive deciphering of A5/1, A5/2, A5/0 encrypted signals.
Static or Mobile Operation
Interception, monitoring and logging of communication in stationary or in mobile environments.
Automatic Handling of Frequency Hopping Signals
The system automatically handles frequency hopping and handovers.
Networked Operation
Several Passive Interception Systems can be configured in a LAN environment to provide a near-exact physical location of the target from a Central Monitoring Station.
Voice Forensics
System is integrable with Stratign’s Voice Forensic software (language identification, speaker identification, gender identification, etc.) and link analysis tools.
Round the Clock Operation
Possibility of round-the-clock operation in an auto mode without the operator involvement.
Display of Receiver Status
Display current status of receivers (recording /scanning) and target numbers.
Extensive Search Feature
Extensive search feature enabling operators to perform search-based on all call parameters.
OSINT Integration
System can be integrated with Stratign’s OSINT software.