Wi-Fi Hunter
Wi-Fi Hunter is a smartphone-based device used to manipulate, analyze, and extract intelligence from Wi-Fi networks.
Wi-Fi Hunter is a pocket-sized device built with advanced threat algorithms, designed to elevate wireless security. This compact and portable device not only identifies the presence of nearby Wi-Fi interception systems but also actively defends Wi-Fi infrastructure against potential attacks.
The capabilities of Wi-Fi Hunter include real-time tracking of active Wi-Fi clients, detailed listings of
The capabilities of Wi-Fi Hunter include real-time tracking of active Wi-Fi clients, detailed listings of
clients connected to each access point, selectively disconnect clients from the access points, and ensure that the user has complete control over the network’s accessibility.
Wi-Fi Hunter can also serve as an alternative to Wi-Fi jammers and a powerful assistant for TSCM missions.
System Features
Compact Apperance
Device looks like a regular smartphone for better disguise and portability.
Wi-Fi Frequency Bands
Scans Wi-Fi channels in 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.
User Tracking
Identifies a list of users connected to each access point and selectively block them from using the Wi-Fi network.
Location Detection
Directional Finding technology to track the exact location of active signal transmitting Wi-Fi devices.
Traffic Recording
Record traffic from access point in .pcap format.
Hidden Networks
Disclose hidden networks.
Gather Intelligence
Collect essential information about access points and clients - including probe requests, half and full handshakes.
Real-Time Attack Detection
Detects common attack types, such as KRACK, WPS brute-force, de-authentication, and basic brute-force attack.