HF and VHF-UHF Monitoring & DF System
HF and VHF-UHF Monitoring & DF System
Over the years, dense signal environments have become common at sites such as government, military and security facilities, embassies in foreign nations, air terminals, ports, sports venues and other public locations. This requires leading-edge technology to detect and locate constantly evolving security threats when it comes to radio monitoring and security.
Stratign offers an array of solutions tailored for these diverse situations. Whether operating under direct supervision or autonomously, our systems help identify potential security breaches in real-time and trigger alarms, as well as gather intelligence data to make informed risk mitigation decisions.
Let’s get to know what HF/VHF/UHF means and how Stratign’s valuable Radio monitoring and Direction-Finding (DF) System can prove to be further beneficial.
HF/VHF/UHF: Understanding Radio Monitoring Terminology in detail.
1. HF/VHF/UHF is known and referred to as radio frequencies betwixt 3 and 3000 MHz. Radio waves are widely utilized in modern technology, specifically in telecommunication. HF – High frequency (3–30 MHz) is the band associated with shortwave broadcasts, citizens band radio, amateur radio and over-the-horizon aviation communications, RFID, over-the-horizon radar, automatic link establishment (ALE) / near-vertical incidence skywave (NVIS) radio communications, marine and cell radio telephony.
2. VHF – Very high frequency (30–300 MHz) is the band connected with TV broadcasts, ground-to-aircraft, aircraft-to-aircraft & line-of-sight interactions, land mobile and maritime cellphone communications, amateur radio, and climate radio.
3. UHF – Ultra high frequency (300–3,000 MHz) is the band interlinked with broadcasts, microwave oven, TV, radio astronomy, cell phones, wireless LAN, ZigBee, GPS and 2-way radios, like land cellphone, satellite radio and Remote-Control Systems.
Stratign’s advantageous HF/VHF/UHF Monitoring & Direction-Finding System
The HF and VHF/UHF Monitoring System is fabricated and integrated for the objective of passive monitoring, logging and evaluation of target HF/VHF/UHF radio links.
For wideband scanning of chosen spectrum, the system has a Wideband Search and Intercept Receiver with wideband DF to search and monitor radio transmissions in HF/VHF/UHF bands. These can be unified with Multi-Channel Monitoring Receivers to monitor the radio communication frequencies of interest along with direction finding of separate narrowband signals.
The system can be combined with a Direction-Finding system for integrating diverse monitoring stations for an in-detail local map assimilation for location-finding of target radio transmission stations. The system can be also unified with a software-based signal classifier and high-end protocol decoding system for decrypting of data protocols utilized in radio transmissions.
The system can be offered in both static and transportable configurations where all the modules are faultlessly integrated to provide a comprehensive and interceptive surveillance platform to the operator for effectual and efficient monitoring process. The system can be conveniently employed in any configuration of customer’s requirement.
1. Comprehensive monitoring capability with localization of all signals from 25 – 6,000 MHz or quick scanning detection with synchronized DF of all identified signals at frequency channelization of 25 kHz.
2. Different configurations of systems for man portable, vehicular or static operations.
3. Multi mission support using field proven Direction-Finding algorithms.
4. Detection and direction-finding of multiple modern signals
5. The system supports multiple signal types simultaneously.
6. Selectable wideband 24 MHz (VHF/UHF/ instantaneous bandwidth etc.)
7. Advanced software-based analysis and decoding of protocols of data transmission.